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Focus on vintage 2023

The season

After a relatively mild winter, the first buds began to appear at the end of April. Subsequently, rainy episodes favored some outbreaks of mildew here and there, fortunately without impact on the first leaves. The weather then became more favorable until the beginning of summer, with dry weather, which allowed the vegetation to develop normally. Flowering began around June 9 for the earliest plots. The month of July was characterized by very dry weather while the month of August saw more contrasting weather, with a drop in temperatures and humid weather over the first fortnight. This alternation was, however, very favorable to the development of the grapes.

The harvest

The harvest began on September 3 in our plots of Puligny-Montrachet and Meursault under fairly unusual heat for this period. The first days were devoted to whites, the Chardonnays having reached their optimal level of maturity. We chose to start harvesting relatively early to maintain freshness and very suitable alcohol levels, with grapes at optimal maturity and not over-ripe. The Pinot Noirs, needed good rain to mature, being more sensitive to drought and high temperatures. The harvest continued until September 17.

On the cellar side, the 2023 vintage is very satisfactory both in terms of quality and quantity. All we have to do now is wait several months to find out!

Publiée le 5 February 2024