Le contenu
Vignoble Clos du Moulin aux Moines, domaine viticole à Auxey-Duresses, vins de Bourgogne

The history of the Clos du Moulin aux Moines


One thousand years of history

Starting in the 10th century, the monks of the Cluny Abbey were the initial artisans of the Clos du Moulin aux Moines.

They chose the site for its unique position at the junction of a stream and the valleys (or “combs”) leading down to the neighboring villages of Auxey-Duresses and Meursault. The stream, known as the ruisseau des Cloux, provided hydropower, and the limestone hills were surrounded by prairies. The Clos du Moulin aux Moines lived off of multiple activities, including a mill, a dovecote, a bread oven, a dairy, accommodations, an orchard. Their multiple activities played a vital role in feeding the neighboring villages, but also in the flourishing local economy.

Year after year, the structure evolved and adapted to the twists and turns of History, such as the Hundred Years War, the dwindling influence of monastic orders, developments in agricultural techniques and the phylloxera crisis…


As far back as the history goes, those in charge of the establishment have had a deep-rooted commitment to turning the place into a center of influence, innovation and sharing. A place where grape-growing and wine-making are ancestral skills, the fruit of global reflection and continuous reassessment of natural and human impact.

In over 1000 years, only 5 owners have succeeded one another in directing the destiny of the estate and rising to the challenges with which they have been faced.

For some time, the vineyard languished in the shadow of its past reputation. Since 2008, the estate staff, led by Willy Roulendes, has been patiently orchestrating its revival, under the impetus of the owners, the Rollin family.